Monday 22 April 2019

What to buy as souvenirs in Sri Lanka

What to buy as souvenirs in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka has always been a known stop for most cruises thanks to some of the most unique and exquisite quality items available on this island. So when you are here, you need to keep an entire day dedicated for shopping. Scout the local markets, or roam tirelessly in the high-end showrooms but be sure to take back the unique varieties this island nation has to offer. Below is a list of what to buy in Sri Lanka so that you can carry home as lovely souvenirs for yourself and your loved ones.

Jewellery and gems

What to buy as souvenirs in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka is famous for its sapphires and moonstones. The mines in Ratnapura have a constant supply of precious gems and the gemologists on the island know where to import the best gems from as well. In the little town of the Galle Fort, gem stores sell gems on their own and in the form of jewellery as well. If you are buying gems and jewellery, it is best to use your bartering skills. There are also plenty of contemporary jewellery makers like Two Dots Jewellery, which you can find at Barefoot or via their online store.

Raksha masks

What to buy as souvenirs in Sri Lanka
Unique to the Sri Lankan culture, Raksha masks are available in almost every souvenir shop in the form of masks, magnets, keychains, etc. They are believed to ward off the evil and protect the one who possesses them. The masks are worn while performing the traditional Kolam ritual and depict the ancient race of Rakshasas. The most commonly used masks are Naga Raksha (cobra mask), Gurulu Raksha (Mask of the Bird) and Maru Raksha (Mask of the Demon of Death).

Saris and sarongs

What to buy as souvenirs in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s local and traditional clothing is made up of saris for women and sarongs for men. Some women will wear sarongs as well but as a set with a matching blouse. There are plenty of places to find sarongs in Colombo and in the rest of Sri Lanka, but the best sarongs are from Barefoot. There are also saris at Barefoot and Selyn Fair Trade and you can find beautiful silk or batik saris in high fashion sari shops and via Fashion Market, an online fashion store.

Ayurvedic beauty products

What to buy as souvenirs in Sri Lanka
Ayurveda is a traditional healing system practiced by Ayurveda doctors in Sri Lanka. This craft has been passed on to them through the generations. Lately, there are more local brands selling products using these age old remedies, and they are a perfect gift for your loved ones.

Dumbara mats

What to buy as souvenirs in Sri Lanka
If you are a fan of the handwoven stuff, you must pick up Dumbara mats and cane handicrafts from the local shops. The villages around Kandy produce a lot of coarse fabric called Dumbara which is then woven into mats, bags, boxes, and baskets, typically in a geometric fashion. These can make for excellent gifts.

Read more: 7 reasons why you should visit Sri Lanka in 2019

Moonstone carvings

What to buy as souvenirs in Sri Lanka
All Buddhist temples in Sri Lanka are graced by a half moon stepping stone at the entrance. These carved stones are called moonstones and have been used as religious imagery for centuries. These ancient carvings are now used in parks and modern temples due to their figurative and historic quality. Small moonstone carvings are made as souvenirs for tourists and small home shrines. They can be found carved in limestone or wood, in small to larger sizes. They make great conversation starters due to their history.

Source Internet

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