Friday, July 26, 2019

An introduction to China's Tibetan people

Tibetans are one of China’s largest and most visible ethnic groups, thanks in part to their unique culture, long history, and complicated relationship with the Chinese government. Let’s learn a bit more about them.

As far as terminology goes, “Tibetan” is too vague a term to cover all of China’s 6 million people identified under that umbrella. While it’s easy to generalize all those who live in Tibet as “Tibetan,” there are non-Tibetans who live in the area and Tibetans who live outside of the area. Furthermore, Tibetan subgroups must be considered as well. The three main ones are Changri, Nachan, and Hor, which in turn have another 51 sub-tribes. This division accounts for a difference in ancestry, as well as in the homeland. However, as a single term simplifies the characterization of the group, the term Tibetan will continue to be used throughout this article.


The majority of Tibetans live in Tibet, which became a part of modern China in 1950. It is known on the mainland as the Tibetan Autonomous Region or Xizang. By most definitions, Tibet is China’s most remote province, located on the world’s highest plateau, and strictly controlled by the Chinese government. In fact, all visitors, both Chinese or otherwise, must obtain a special visa or permit before entering the region.

The capital of Tibet is Lhasa, a city with a visible identity crisis. While the eastern half contains extremely well-preserved Tibetan culture, with locals frequently engaging in the traditional act of kora (a clockwise walking meditation around a sacred site), the western half is nearly indistinguishable from any other Chinese city.

Nearly all other Chinese Tibetans live in the ten Tibetan Autonomous Prefectures located throughout Qinghai, Sichuan, and Gansu provinces.

The Tibetan homeland is an unforgiving, yet beautiful environment. Over thousands of years, Tibetans have learned to adapt to high altitudes, and recently scientists have discovered biological traits that have made this possible. For instance, Tibetans carry a gene that helps their blood absorb oxygen better, as well as increased levels of nitric oxide, which aids in the release of oxygen to the tissue.


Most scholars believe that Tibetans are descended from the ancient Qiang people, noted as the ancestors of many southwestern Chinese ethnic groups. Around five to six thousand years ago, Tibetans diverged from the Qiang and migrated south to the Himalayas. Various tribes and kingdoms formed and merged over the years until a powerful king named Namri Songtsen founded the Tibetan Empire. The king brought the majority of modern day Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan, and Yunnan provinces, as well as Nepal and Bangladesh under his control.

Due to the difficulty of travel over such wide and varied terrain, it became impossible for the Tibetan emperors to maintain centralized power. Towards the ninth century, Buddhism was also introduced to Tibetans, creating a clear split between the followers of this new religion and those who chose to adhere to the traditional Bön religion. Thus, Tibet remained largely fragmented until it was conquered by Mongols during the Yuan dynasty.

The Yuan is credited to this day as being one of the largest and most successful Chinese dynasties, despite being ruled by foreigners. Interestingly, Tibet remained largely separate from China during this time, instead governed by the Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs.

Following the downfall of the Yuan, Tibet enjoyed relative independence for 400 years, first being ruled by successive families and then by the Dalai Lama.

It was another foreign dynasty, this time the Qing, that finally brought Tibet under Chinese rule once again. What Tibet separatists tend to focus on, however, is Tibet’s annexation into the People’s Republic of China in 1950, a controversial decision that brought massive change and turmoil to Tibet throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.


Despite the suppression of Tibetan culture, it lives on in many forms through the numerous Tibetan groups and tribes. Today, an estimated 10 percent of all Tibetans still adhere to the Bön religion, which beliefs in a series of household gods and shares many similarities with Tibetan Buddhism, thanks to the latter’s large influence on Tibet. In fact, it is theorized that Bön wasn’t thought of as a concrete religion until the introduction of a competing religion.

All other Tibetans adhere to Tibetan Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, or Hinduism, demonstrating once again the diverse nature of the ethnic group.

Across all Tibetans, innumerable traditions are practiced, from unique festivals to the creation of art. It would take several books to describe them all.


Due to Tibet’s cold and mountainous climate, Tibetans grow and eat a few vegetables and herbs. Instead, they rely on meat, dairy, and barley-based diet. Popular dishes include yak or mutton stew, barley dumplings called momos, thukpa noodle soup, and a yak-butter tea that takes some getting used to.

Read more: Visit Lhasa, a spiritual place in Tibet

Source The Culture Trip

What to eat in Palawan, Philippines

What to eat in Palawan, Philippines
Palawan is considered a melting pot of different cultures and this is apparent in its cuisine. Its biggest attraction is the wide offerings of sumptuous seafood. Palawan also houses small hole-in-the-wall restaurants that tourists flock to, such as Ka Lui’s and Kinabuch’s Bar and Grill.

Halo Halo

Halo Halo
Literally translated, it means “Mix-Mix” in Filipino. Halo Halo is a popular refreshing drink which consists of a mixture of sweetened preserved fruits, evaporated milk and crushed ice. The topping is either ice cream or leche flan. The best place to try Halo Halo in Puerto Princesa is Noki Nocs Savory House on Rizal Avenue.

Crocodile Sisig

Crocodile Sisig
Another exotic dish you can try in Palawan is crocodile sisig, a variation of the sizzling dish that typically uses pork. Crocodile meat is said to taste like beef but leaner. Kinabuch also serves this popular dish, as do most local restaurants.

Lato Seaweed

Lato Seaweed
Lato seaweed, also known as or sea grapes or green caviar is a very popular dish in Palawan due to its soft and succulent texture.  It is best served with either salt or vinegar and is a perfect match to any dish especially fried ones. Lato seaweed is very common to the Philippines and nearby countries, however, the best quality comes from the municipality of Cuyo in Palawan.


You cannot talk about Palawan cuisine without mentioning the tamilok. The tamilok, a wood worm harvested from rotting mangroves. The slimy greyish worms (which are actually molluscs) do not look appetizing at first, but it is been said to taste like oysters. Most restaurants serve tamilok, though the more popular location is Kinabuchs in Puerto Princesa.

Chao Long Noodles

Chao Long Noodles
Chao Long noodles have been introduced to Palawan by the Vietnamese immigrants. Puerto Princesa’s Chao long is flat, thin rice noodles in a sweet-savory broth with meat (beef or pork), served with the requisite plate containing sprigs of mint and basil, raw bean sprouts and calamansi. You can try Chao Long noodles and other Vietnamese dishes at the Rene’s Saigon Restaurant on Rizal Avenue.


Palawan is a major exporter of cashew nuts, so this list would not be complete without a cashew dessert. A crowd favorite is the bandi, which are cashew nuts encrusted in pakaskas or hardened brown sugar. Consider bringing this home as pasalubong.

Chicken Inasal

Chicken Inasal
Chicken Inasal is a delicious grilled chicken dish. The chicken is marinated in a unique blend of spices and herbs, then grilled until done. Several restaurants in Palawan island serve this special grilled chicken dish and they are all very good.

See more: Palawan, the incredible paradise for a perfect getaway

Source Internet

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Explore under-the-radar neighborhoods in Tokyo

One of the best things about living in Tokyo is the fact that no matter how long you’re here, you’ll always find something new and exciting to explore. The city is a labyrinth of hidden gems and underrated hangouts. When the bustling streets of Shinjuku and Shibuya get to be a little too much, it’s worth exploring these diverse and unique under-the-radar neighborhoods.

Explore under-the-radar neighborhoods in Tokyo

Things change swiftly in Tokyo. You might visit a down-and-out part of town, only to return a year later to discover that it’s become a super-chic hangout dotted with craft coffee shops and trendy fashion boutiques. Here is a guide to Tokyo’s most underrated neighborhoods that may not be at the top of your bucket list, but definitely should be.


Explore under-the-radar neighborhoods in Tokyo
Like some kind of mysterious local secret, the suburb of Jiyugaoka is popular with many Tokyoites but is often overlooked in the guidebooks. The area oozes European appeal, in part due to the many cute cafés, cake shops and quaint boutiques, but mainly because of La Vita, the neighborhood’s little Venice, located a few minutes from the station. The area comes complete with a small canal, gondola and venetian bridge. Just a 10-minute train ride from Shibuya, it’s easy to get to and a great place to spend the afternoon.

Kiyosumi Shirakawa

Explore under-the-radar neighborhoods in Tokyo
Tokyo is going through a bit of a coffee revolution at the moment, and there’s no place where this is clearer than in Kiyosumi Shirakawa, the city’s most caffeinated area. Once a working-class neighbourhood, the area is now a trendy go-to for weekenders looking to spend the day sampling some of the city’s best brews. Big coffee players like the US-born Blue Bottle Coffee and New Zealand’s Allpress Espresso both have large flagship-style stores here.


Explore under-the-radar neighborhoods in Tokyo
If you’re after a little old-world charm, make your way to Yanaka, arguably Tokyo’s most traditional area. The streets are filled with family restaurants, food vendors, local artisans and a unique shitamachi (old world) atmosphere; the area’s main shopping street, Yanaka Ginza, looks as if it’s been frozen in time. The neighborhood is also nicknamed Tokyo’s Cat Town after its population of friendly stray cats. A huge contrast to the clean futuristic streets of Shibuya and Shinjuku, this ramshackle neighborhood is a great escape from the manic energy of the center of the city. Yanaka Ginza is just under a 10-minute walk from Ueno Park.

Read more: Ebisu area, the recommended spots for laid-back travelers

Source The Culture Trip